Physcial Sciences Division
Research Highlights
December 2015
Transformations: Waste as Energy and Opportunity, Inventions in Catalysis, ACS Catalysis Lectureship Winners Interview

Transformations is produced by the Institute for Integrated Catalysis at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.
The December 2015 issue of the Institute for Integrated Catalysis' Transformations recognizes innovation in catalysis. Our lead story describes a big idea with a small footprint: tailored mini-refineries for converting abandoned carbon biomass. Read about the Institute for Integrated Catalysis's (IIC's) John Holladay, who is named on 17 patents related to bio-based processing, leading to a Distinguished Inventor Award.
This issue's video is an interview by ACS Catalysis with Morris Bullock and Dan DuBois, who led the hydrogen catalysis team at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in revolutionizing how scientists see protons' roles in turning electricity into hydrogen fuel. The American Chemical Society recognized the team's discoveries with the 2015 ACS Catalysis Lectureship for the Advancement of Catalytic Science in August.
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