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Biological Sciences Division
Staff Awards & Honors

November 2015

Smith One of the Top 20 Most Influential Analytical Scientists

For the second time, Dick Smith, a Battelle Fellow and chief scientist in the Biological Sciences Division, has been named one of the top 20 most influential scientists in the world of analytical science by The Analytical Scientist. Smith is on "The Power List 2015" in the October 2015 issue of the online journal.  

In the online article announcing the top 100, Smith responded to several questions, including one about his most important lesson. He said, "Not to be constrained by conventional wisdom, and to try to think beyond the next step; for example, if an experiment or study works out as hoped or expected, then what? And will this really lead to something significant?"

The 2015 most influential list was the magazine's second top 100 list. Smith also made the top 20 list in 2013. The top 100 list was not published in 2014.

The Analytical Scientist launched in January 2013 as monthly publication on the fields of analytical chemistry, including chromatography, spectroscopy, mass spectrometry and microscopy. The Analytical Scientist integrates all aspects of analytical science, from advances in science and technology to first-hand accounts from test labs; and from progress in business and policy to advice for career development and job satisfaction.

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