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Physcial Sciences Division
Research Highlights

February 2015

Transformations: The Value of Catalysis, Top Five List from CME's Last Five Years, Catalytic Choreography

In the latest edition of the Institute for Integrated Catalysis' Transformations, PNNL scientist Bob Weber provides an overview on the value of catalysis to the economy, society, and scientific research in general. This issue's feature is on the top five things learned in the first five years of the Center for Molecular Electrocatalysis at PNNL. This Energy Frontier Research Center has answered fundamental questions about what makes catalysts work.

Zdenek Dohnalek at scanning tunneling microscope
Transformations is produced by the Institute for Integrated Catalysis at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Enlarge Image.

Transformations also contains the Institute for Integrated Catalysis's (IIC's) latest video, "Catalytic Choreography," catalysis scientist Zdenek Dohnalek (see photo) explains how his team at PNNL discovers how molecules move, break and rejoin on the surface of a catalyst-fundamental knowledge we could one day use to design better catalysts to produce renewable energy.

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