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Atmospher Sci & Global Chg

September 2014

Ben Kravitz Quoted in IOP News Blog for Geoengineering Work on Climate Change

Dr. Ben Kravitz, a postdoctoral researcher in atmospheric sciences at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, was quoted in environmentalresearchweb, the IOP community website on his recent solar geoengineering paper. Discussing the publication in Environmental Research Letter, "A multi-model assessment of regional climate disparities caused by solar geoengineering," the article quoted lead author Kravitz on the concerns of solar geoengineering used to offset the warming of the climate and some examples of the tradeoffs that could arise across different regions. The takeaway: solar geoengineering alone is not the answer to slowing climate warming, but depending on the regional needs geoengineering can offset some of the effects. "If society continues to increase carbon dioxide emissions and offsets the climate change with geoengineering, we would need to do continually more geoengineering to keep up with increasing emissions," said Kravitz.

Geoengineering—deliberate reduction in the amount of solar radiation retained by the Earth—is a proposed temporary way of reducing some of the effects of greenhouse gases while mitigation is in progress.

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