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Atmospher Sci & Global Chg

August 2014

Kraucunas Quoted on Science Politics and Climate Change

Ian Kraucunas, Deputy Director of the Atmospheric Sciences and Global Change Division at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, was quoted in New Security Beat, a blog of the Environmental Change and Security Program. The article, "Ian Kraucunas on Bridging the Science-Politics Divide for Climate Change," is based on a talk that he gave at the Woodrow Wilson Center as part of a symposium on national security and climate change.

Kraucunas is an atmospheric scientist leading an interdisciplinary team to formulate simulation tools designed to help regional stakeholders develop and evaluate strategies for responding to complex climate issues. In the article, he describes some of the direct and indirect risks posed by climate change and explains how scientists can assist political leaders in making informed decisions. Kraucunas explains that it is important to consider multiple climate scenarios and to evaluate climate information in the context of other risks and opportunities facing decision makers, rather than as a stand-alone consideration. The article also presents some of the newest scientific research that is available to help inform climate-related decision making in different regions.

For more, read the complete article, “Ian Kraucunas on Bridging the Science-Politics Divide for Climate Change.”

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