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Physcial Sciences Division

August 2014

Jim De Yoreo Quoted on Innovative Material Synthesis Approach in Physics World

James De Yoreo portrait
Dr. Jim De Yoreo, Chief Scientist of PNNL's Materials Synthesis and Simulation across Scales Initiative, was quoted in Physics World.

Dr. Jim De Yoreo at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory was quoted in Physics World about a self-assembly method, based on viruses and DNA, that places fluorescent molecules within just a few nanometers of a gold nanoparticle. As De Yoreo notes, "This [approach] provides a means of creating an intense electromagnetic field near an ensemble of light-absorbing centres, thus allowing us to greatly increase the capture of light." The Physics World article is based on a study De Yoreo co-authored: "Hierarchical Assembly of Plasmonic Nanostructures Using Virus Capsid Scaffolds on DNA Origami Templates" in ACS Nano. The research was done by scientists at PNNL, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, University of California at Berkeley, and Arizona State University.

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