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Physcial Sciences Division
Research Highlights

July 2013

Transformations: Catalysis from Basic to Applied, from Crowded Highways to Open Skies

Reducing noxious emissions and diesel pollutants from our roadways has become a matter of national urgency and one that PNNL scientists have impacted through fundamental catalysis science. The latest edition of PNNL's Institute for Integrated Catalysis' Transformations newsletter highlights the collaborative nature of catalysis research at the IIC.

Our emissions work and other studies that are advancing the scientific frontiers are possible because we integrate fundamental and applied research. In their bylined column, Robert Weber and Thomas Brouns, who span the research continuum at PNNL, discuss the IIC's collaborative approach  to share ideas and solve real-world problems.

Finally, Transformations features the IIC's latest video, Biofuels for Jet Engines. In just 90 seconds, learn how PNNL scientists are conducting the fundamental catalysis research needed for renewable jet fuel.

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